How to Afford Rabbit Food in College
When it comes to buying rabbit food as college students, the numbers really add up. Rabbits eat more than we expect them to and before we know it, they have run out of food. Buying fresh veggies at the grocery store can be expensive. Whether you work or not, live on campus or off campus, you should read these rabbit tips to help you buy rabbit food as a college student.
A good rabbit tip to look for cheap and fresh fruits and vegetables is check out flea markets/swap meets. Flea markets/swap meets are outdoor markets that host many kinds of vendors. You can find almost anything at a flea market/swap meet. Look up your city's local flea markets/swap meets dates and times. Depending on your location, your city may call these outdoor markets "flea market," "swap meet," or even "farmer's market." No matter the name, these outdoor markets will sell local fruits, vegetables or home goods. You can find a list of California flea markets here. Also, don't forget to ask any friends who are local to the area.
Another rabbit tip to try is check out the 99 Cent Store. The 99 Cent store is a great Californian feature. This store sells items for 99 cents (though some items will be marked $2.35). Growing up, the 99 Cent store mostly sold non-perishables, but now they sell fresh goods like fruits and vegetables! Like many American stores and a great rabbit tip for college students, the 99 Cent store sells almost anything. If you take a stroll through the store you can find many items you can use for your pet rabbit. As far as I know, not every state in the US has a 99 Cent store, but some equivalents include The Dollar Tree, Family Dollar and Dollar General. Keep in mind that not all stores will sell perishables and not all states will have an equivalent to the 99 Cent Store.
Flea Markets/Swap Meets
This is a fruit stand at one of our local flea markets. |
A good rabbit tip to look for cheap and fresh fruits and vegetables is check out flea markets/swap meets. Flea markets/swap meets are outdoor markets that host many kinds of vendors. You can find almost anything at a flea market/swap meet. Look up your city's local flea markets/swap meets dates and times. Depending on your location, your city may call these outdoor markets "flea market," "swap meet," or even "farmer's market." No matter the name, these outdoor markets will sell local fruits, vegetables or home goods. You can find a list of California flea markets here. Also, don't forget to ask any friends who are local to the area.
99 Cent Store
Another rabbit tip to try is check out the 99 Cent Store. The 99 Cent store is a great Californian feature. This store sells items for 99 cents (though some items will be marked $2.35). Growing up, the 99 Cent store mostly sold non-perishables, but now they sell fresh goods like fruits and vegetables! Like many American stores and a great rabbit tip for college students, the 99 Cent store sells almost anything. If you take a stroll through the store you can find many items you can use for your pet rabbit. As far as I know, not every state in the US has a 99 Cent store, but some equivalents include The Dollar Tree, Family Dollar and Dollar General. Keep in mind that not all stores will sell perishables and not all states will have an equivalent to the 99 Cent Store.
Grow the Food Yourself
As a college student, your living situation changes constantly. Growing your pet rabbit's food may sound impossible, but it isn't as impossible as it seems. A friendly rabbit tip is you can grow rabbit friendly herbs and flowers in your dorm room, bedroom or backyard. Some campuses have garden clubs and depending on their policies, you can take some fresh greens home with you. We live in a huge agricultural city, so finding fresh fruits and vegetables is as easy as walking down the street, but that isn't the case for everyone. Every home can use a garden and almost every school can have a gardening club. A thoughtful rabbit tip for big city college students is look for community gardens. You'd be surprised how many cities have a community garden. If you have looked everywhere and asked everyone you know and you can't find anything, start a gardening club or a community garden.
Final Rabbit Tips
Being a college student is stressful enough. We have enough to worry about and finding affordable rabbit food shouldn't be one of them. Being a rabbit owner teaches you to be creative, to think outside the box. Theses rabbit tips are some we learned throughout the years. Some of these tips will work for you while others might make your situation more difficult. However these tips help you or don't help you, keep in mind that there are ways to feed your rabbit and give them the care they deserve.
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