Web Resources I Use

When the inspiration hits, I will research many different topics about rabbits. In this post I will share with you my favorite YouTube channels and websites to visit. 

1. Howcast's How to Take Care of a Pet Rabbit


Howcast makes how to videos for a variety of how to questions. They made a whole series about how to take care of a pet rabbit. You can find the entire playlist here. Rabbit lover Amy Sedaris and rabbit expert Mary E. Cotter host the videos. They provide important information and great tips about having a pet rabbit. Plus, they always have a rabbit or two co-hosting with them!

2. PetMD

I use PetMd to understand rabbit diseases and conditions better. I do not use PetMD as the only source to research rabbit diseases and conditions. I also watch YouTube videos and do more research through Bing and Google. Looking up a disease on two different search engines will give you different results with different information. Always check with a vet before diagnosing your rabbit. I am so fond of this website because it contains a list of links in alphabetical order of many rabbit diseases and conditions. 

3. Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary 

I stumbled upon Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary while looking for an exotic vet to exam Wilmington. They used to provide a list of vets in the Stockton area but I think they removed the list. Harvest Home Animal sanctuary hosts many events and tries to educate the public about animal care. I haven't had the time to visit the sanctuary, but they do have monthly volunteer orientations.

4. Amazon

If you've read any of my previous posts, I recommend products from Amazon. Amazon gives people a 6 month free trial for Amazon Prime. I'm assuming everyone knows what Amazon Prime is, but if you don't it is a paid membership that provides free 2 day shipping on any products that say Prime in the description.

The regular fee for Amazon Prime is $100 USD but, there is a cheaper fee for students at $50 USD. Make sure you use your school email rather than your personal email. Amazon will ask if you are a student and your student email. I mostly use Amazon to buy supplies for my turtle Vladimir but I do have a huge rabbit wish list.

Using Amazon, especially if you live on campus, makes pet supply shopping a lot easier. Most campuses have a mail room to pick up packages. Review your school's mailing policies before ordering. You don't want your package to get lost.

5. Lennon the Bunny

I discovered Lennon The Bunny over the summer break. YouTube already knows my search history and I have a lot of rabbit videos in it. The video below showed up in the "recommended videos" part of my YouTube account. I couldn't resist the urge to click on the video but, I'm glad I did. Lorelei, Lennon's mom, gives some great tips about where to buy things and food for your rabbit. Plus, Lennon The Bunny has some very relatable and funny videos.
